Old News

I've thought of a news service to which I would subscribe. Surely someone has already had the idea and someone can point me toward it. If not, if this is totally novel, I offer the idea for anyone to run with and make millions. It's all yours.

I want Old News, a publication reporting only on things at least three weeks old. No breaking news. No live coverage. Nothing new in this news. I want only the stories that still matter three weeks later.

This would get rid of anything coming from Twitter. That alone sells the service to me. I'd also hear almost no he said, she said. Gossip has a short shelf life. Sports headlines wouldn't make the cut either, though there could still be great stories from sports.

There would be plenty of room for book reviews, preferably written three weeks after the reviewer finished the book.

There would be analysis of what we had learned about the effects of decisions, events, and encounters after three weeks.

This would be a reflective, deliberative news site. My guess is that it could be centrist with room for analysis that bent left and right.

This could be a print magazine or a website so long as the webmaster didn't get an itchy finger.

Until Old News comes along (or I find where it's being done already), none of the news institutions are getting my dime. I can wait at least until something they are telling me matters in the long term.