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Woke this morning and made coffee like every morning. I counted the steps involved and it turns out there are so many:

Fill the kettle and set it to boil. Pull down scales, decanter, beans, filter, small bowl, spray bottle, and mug. Measure 21 grams of beans into the bowl, spray, and grind. Place the filter in the decanter and rinse with boiling water. Dump ground coffee into the filter, shake to level, make a well in the center, and zero the scale. Pour 70 grams of boiled water and start the timer. Swirl the decanter or stir. Wait 30 seconds. Add another 70 grams of water. Wait 15 seconds, add 70 grams more, and repeat until the scales read 350 grams. Put away coffee beans, bowl, spray bottle, and scales. Wait for the coffee to drip. Compost the filter, pour the coffee, rinse the decanter, and enjoy.

I make more complicated coffee than pod coffee people, but I like complication and steps. This morning the process reminded me that while complexities abound and seem daunting, the steps are simple as pouring beans and boiling water. Taking steps, one after another, becomes routine, no big deal, and the coffee gets better the more I practice.

Seems like the idea of taking steps might apply to more than just coffee.