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Casting My Dream Ballot

I don’t think so.

I'll gladly cast my ballot for the candidate who does not use social media, a group that clearly must number in the zeroes.

I got a nice comment from a friend saying, "I don't like you not being on Facebook, I miss the updates, though I added you to my blog roll." I understand and I'm torn over being on and off social media which I quit in August. It led me to this thought:

I would like to be connected with the people on Facebook (and maybe Twitter), but I'm against providing corporations with free content for their platforms so they can then advertise next to what I've written and profit. Aside from the poison thoughtlessly sold by them during the 2016 election, their whole model offends me. I'm not interested in being someone's serf or slave.

This wasn't the primary reason I quit social media, but it has become one of the most important reasons I stay away. The Facebook/Twitter platform-economy is even worse for us than the gig economy. I want no part of that.

Still, I miss connecting with my friend and need to find other ways of doing that.

Any ideas?