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Recommended Reading

If I had a good way to search old blog posts, I'd know when I last recommended Leo Babauta's Zen Habits, but since I don't, I'll just recommend it again. So there.

This morning I read his "Coming Back To Powerful Habits" twice. I often read his essays twice, not because they're tough reads — he's a clear writer — but because I get something from those second readings.

It helps that I agree with most of what he says. The "Coming Back" post is about returning, a theme I've hammered at often of late. I also like that he's forgiving, encouraging, and not didactic. He admits his failings and doesn't trumpet his successes. He's humble and generous, two qualities I admire in others and try to encourage in myself. Reading his posts helps with that.

We are likely to be cooped up some for a few weeks needing good things to read. Skip Twitter and Facebook for heaven's sake. Read Babauta and this bgfay guy instead. You won't regret it.